• Ученість — солодкий плід гіркого коріння.

  • Доклади серця свого до навчання і вуха свої до розумних слів

  • Вчись не для того, щоб знати більше, а для того, щоб знати краще.

  • Важлива не кількість знань, а якість їх.

  • Є тільки одне благо - знання й тільки одне зло - неуцтво.

  • Єдиний шлях, що веде до знання, - це діяльність.

  • Бич людини - це уявлюване знання.

  • Знання - сила.

  • Знання - знаряддя, а не ціль.

  • Запам'ятовувати вміє той, хто вміє бути уважним.

Донбаська державна
машинобудівна академія

The first classes begun at the Center of IT decisions of the Donetsk region at the DSEA


Within the framework of the UN Program for the Restoration and Development of Peace and the Component "Local Self-Government and Reform for Decentralization of Power", training is provided for specialists of the Centers for Administrative Services.

Today, May 21, the Center for IT Solutions of Donetsk region at the DSEA for the first time conducts practical training for representatives of local communities - the basic principles of working with the program "Universals of Services", which is a specialized program for CAS. This program is used in more than 10 CAS`s of Luhansk region, 4 CAS`s of Donetsk region. It is based on the community registry and has all the necessary functions for administrators. Such training will allow administrators who come to work to learn quickly, and administrators who are already working with the program, to improve their skills.

Representatives of local communities were greeted by the Vice-Rector for Research, Development and International Relations Mykhailo Turchanin and the Head of the Center for IT Solutions, Dean of FMAIT Serhiy Podlesny. Mykhailo Turchanin stressed that the Center for IT Solutions will help attendees and other employees of government agencies to master modern office work using computers and the Internet in the context of rapid digitalization.

The IT Solutions Center plans to introduce training on the basics of working with the SQS CAS program, which is also used in the CAS of local communities.

It is important that the Center for IT Solutions of Donetsk region at the DSEA will be a training platform for teaching electronic document management and other modern services, which is also one of the areas of work on the BioART project.