• Ученість — солодкий плід гіркого коріння.

  • Доклади серця свого до навчання і вуха свої до розумних слів

  • Вчись не для того, щоб знати більше, а для того, щоб знати краще.

  • Важлива не кількість знань, а якість їх.

  • Є тільки одне благо - знання й тільки одне зло - неуцтво.

  • Єдиний шлях, що веде до знання, - це діяльність.

  • Бич людини - це уявлюване знання.

  • Знання - сила.

  • Знання - знаряддя, а не ціль.

  • Запам'ятовувати вміє той, хто вміє бути уважним.

Донбаська державна
машинобудівна академія


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Delegates of the Computer and Information Technology Department of the DSEA attended a training on modern technologies of regenerative medicine, which took place on June 3-7 in Krems and Wr. Neustadt (Austria) in the framework of the international ERASMUS + BIOART Project.

During the training the head of the Computer and Information Technology department, Dr. Aleksandr Tarasov and Senior Lecturer, Aleksandr Altukhov got acquainted with technical and methodological achievements of Danube University Krems and Technology center Wr. Neustadt. Visited the laboratories for the design of prosthetic of the musculoskeletal system, 3D-printing with various materials (plastic, silicone, metal) under the direction of Professor Harald Hundsberger, laboratories for the design of human hearing organs, optical implants for replacement of the lens of the eye, optical sensors for biomodicine.

Our scientists have lectured on current trends in the development of regenerative medicine from Professor Albert Treytl (Danube University Krems, Austria), biomaterials and 3D printing for medical applications by Dr. Dieter Pahr (Danube University Krems, Austria), blood purification technologies from Professor Jens Hartmann (Danube University Krems, Austria). As well as lectures on the use of artificial intelligence in medicine by Professor Aleksey Bratukhin (Center for Integrated Sensor Systems, Wiener Neustadt, Austria) and a lecture on the creation and support of startups in the field of medicine from Mr. Fadhofer.

During the training were discussed organizational issues related to the implementation of the BIOART project, as discussed by Peter Arras (KU Leuven, Belgium) and Project Leader (Grand Holder) David Luengo (Madrid, Spain). Elena Eyngorn's report on methods of external evaluation of project implementation stages was heard.

In Krems city, Professor Alexander Tarasov gave a presentation on the participation of the departments of the DSEA (Computer and Information Technology, Manufacturing processes and automation engineering) in the preparation of curricula for the specialties of computer science and computer engineering (medical specialization).

Based on the materials received during the training, a seminar was held at the Academy for lecturers of the Faculty of Machine Automation and Information Technology.

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