• Ученість — солодкий плід гіркого коріння.

  • Доклади серця свого до навчання і вуха свої до розумних слів

  • Вчись не для того, щоб знати більше, а для того, щоб знати краще.

  • Важлива не кількість знань, а якість їх.

  • Є тільки одне благо - знання й тільки одне зло - неуцтво.

  • Єдиний шлях, що веде до знання, - це діяльність.

  • Бич людини - це уявлюване знання.

  • Знання - сила.

  • Знання - знаряддя, а не ціль.

  • Запам'ятовувати вміє той, хто вміє бути уважним.

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машинобудівна академія

Erasmus+ Bioart News

Seminar on the results of the training at the Erasmus + BIOART project at Krakow Polytechnic University

On September 26, 2018, a training seminar was held at the Krakow Polytechnic University (Krakow, Poland) on the Erasmus + BIOART project. The seminar was attended by teachers of the departments of the faculty of machine automation and information technology. The participants listened with interest to the report of the Head of the Computer and information technology department, Professor Aleksandr Tarasov on the topic "Principles of curriculum development and work programs for the specialization of computer science in medicine". The report examines in detail the competencies required for students, new disciplines of specialization, their attachment to the departments of the faculty, as well as the use of modules developed by the project partners from universities in other countries. An assessment of the work done in the preparation and implementation of specialization disciplines was also made. The speaker paid special attention to the creation of biomechanics and bioelectronic devices and modeling laboratories for which equipment purchase is planned at the expense of the Project. The list of equipment was developed by teachers of the departments of Computer and information technology and Manufacturing processes and automation engineering and was agreed with colleagues from other universities during the training.

Report of the Head of the Computer and information technology Department, Professor Aleksandr Tarasov

The lecturers of the departments of the Faculty of Machine Automation and Information Technology are presented

Further the report "Biomedical Materials" was made by Assistant Professor of the Department of CIT, Doctor of Technical Sciences Eduard Gribkov. The participants were acquainted with the classification of implant materials, their applications and characteristics, the peculiarities of the behavior, as well as modern processing methods. The technique of researches of mechanical characteristics of materials with consideration of features of operation is considered. Highlighted issues that need to be considered when teaching disciplines in this field.

Report of the Associate Professor of the Department of Computer and information technology, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Eduard Gribkov

After that, the senior lecturer of the department Aleksandr Altukhov made reports "Nanostructures and Nanocapsules" and "Computer Modeling of Multifaceted Models in Biomechanics." The first report looks at the history of nanotechnology, approaches to obtaining nanomaterials. The main material of the report showed perspective areas and principles of nanotechnology application in medicine. The second report considered the approaches to the calculation of the force parameters (forces, moments) that occur in the joints of a person under loads. The simplified model of a knee joint of the person which is obtained by replacement of firm and soft fabrics by rigid and elastic connections is demonstrated.

Report of the senior lecturer of the Department Aleksandr Altukhov

Meeting of the Participant of the Educational Project ERASMUS + KA2 "BioArt" at ZNTU

On October 3-5, participants of the Erasmus + KA2 International Education Project 586114-EPP-1-2017-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP "An Innovative Multidisciplinary Curriculum for the Preparation of Bachelors and Masters in Artificial Implants for Bioengineering" participated in a number of events National Technical University (ZNTU). Representatives of eleven universities from Spain, Belgium, Austria, Poland, Ukraine and Israel, as well as the State Institution of the Institute of Spinal and Joint Pathology named M.I. Sitenko of NAMNU (Kharkiv, Ukraine) exchanged of experience in analyzing labor market requirements and the specificities of higher education legislation to develop a new curriculum.

Representatives of universities participating in the BIOART project

Speech of the project coordinator prof. David Luengo (Madrid Polytechnic University)

Speech by Albert Treitl (Danube University Krems, Austria)

Speech by the head of the Software Department. Sergiy Subbotin (ZNTU)

Speech by Project Coordinator in Ukraine Galina Tabunshchyk (ZNTU)

During the meeting the project participants took part in the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Problems and Advances in the Field of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Information Technologies" held at ZNTU.

Report by David Luengo (University of Madrid Polytechnic) "Evaluation of the Feasibility of ECG-Based Biometric Identification of Healthy Subjects"

On October 3, a round table “Perspectives for the development of the science-education-production triangle in the field of biomedical engineering and intelligent artificial implants for bioengineering” was organized, at which representatives of Zaporizhzhya State Medical University, representatives of the Motor Sich Clinic and the Ophthalmic Clinic, chief engineer of production of Motor Sich JSC, representatives of Infocom and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine (O. Makarchuk, M. Shumilin) told about the latest achievements in the field of artificial implants and formulated requirements of modern graduates in bioengineering. The current state of artificial implant production in Israel was presented by Professor Kfir Ben Harush (Semi Chaumont College). The reports provoked lively discussions and were highly appreciated by the roundtable participants.

Badnaui A. Report Modern approaches to implants in orthopedic surgery and traumatology. Motivation and Prospects (Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology of the National Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences)

Report Rumyantseva S. Innovative projects of Infocom LTD

The project participants were able to get acquainted with the peculiarities of artificial implant production during a visit to Motor Sich JSC on October 4 with the support of the director of consumer goods production of JSC MOTOR SICH Oleksiy Zeleniuk and Chief Engineer Ivan Matvienko.

On October 5, Ukrainian partners underwent preventive monitoring, and European counterparts had the opportunity to visit the laboratories of the Departments of Physical Materials Science, Software, Radio Engineering and Telecommunications.

Report of the head. of Computer and information technologydepartment, Alexander Tarasov (DSEA)

The social program included a visit to the cradle of Ukrainian Cossacks - Khortytsia Island. In addition, a special section was held on October 5, during which students of ZNTU presented their developments in the field of bio-engineering.

Performances of students of ZNTU