• Ученість — солодкий плід гіркого коріння.

  • Доклади серця свого до навчання і вуха свої до розумних слів

  • Вчись не для того, щоб знати більше, а для того, щоб знати краще.

  • Важлива не кількість знань, а якість їх.

  • Є тільки одне благо - знання й тільки одне зло - неуцтво.

  • Єдиний шлях, що веде до знання, - це діяльність.

  • Бич людини - це уявлюване знання.

  • Знання - сила.

  • Знання - знаряддя, а не ціль.

  • Запам'ятовувати вміє той, хто вміє бути уважним.

Донбаська державна
машинобудівна академія

Erasmus+ Bioart News

Additive technologies of 3D printing at the department of CIT

On September 30, during the laboratory workshop on the subject "Computer Design Technologies", fourth-year students of the department СIT got acquainted with the design of the 3D printer and conducted a trial printing. The FARM2 3D printer was developed and manufactured by the Kramatorsk company Farm 3D LLC and purchased with funding from the BioArt project under the ERASMUS + program.

The use of additive technologies allows to significantly expand the experience of students in the field of computer modeling and computer-aided design in CAD-systems by moving from computer models of objects to their material implementation.

It is further planned to use a 3D printer in the educational process in such disciplines as "Regenerative engineering and design of optimal structures", "Design and manufacture of medical devices", etc. During their studies, students gain theoretical knowledge of additive technologies and gain practical skills in preparing for 3D printing of various plastic parts, such as implants, prostheses, which are used in medicine to restore lost human functions.


Based on the materials obtained during the training held in Austria within the frameworks of the international project ERASMUS + BIOART, a seminar was held on June 25, 2019 for students and lecturers of the FMAIT.

Head of the CIT department O. Tarasov made a report about the achievements of the FMAIT departments’ staff in the curriculum elaboration for the students of the medical specialization of the computer science specialty, and also considered the list of disciplines and their concise content.

Report by O. Tarasov on the curriculum elaboration

The second report by O. Tarasov was dedicated to 3D printing technology. The attendees were introduced to the modern 3D printing capabilities for a variety of materials: plastic, silicone and metal. These materials are used by specialists for research and design of new implants.

Report by O. Tarasov about 3D printing technologies

Then a CIT Senior Lecturer O. Altukhov took the floor with a report on modern technologies of regenerative medicine for the design of musculoskeletal system prostheses, blood purification and developments in the field of various types of sensors: optical, electrical, electro-chemical.

Report by O. Altukhov on modern technologies in regenerative medicine

Report by O. Altukhov on the developments in the field of different types of sensors


On January 22, 2019, a seminar for students and lecturers of the FMAIT was held within the frameworks of the ERASMUS + BIOART international project.

A CIT Senior Lecturer O. Altukhov delivered a report on nanostructures, nanotechnologies and nanocapsules. Information was provided on the use of nanostructured materials, their production technologies, the benefits of nanostructured materials and the use of nanocapsules in biomedicine.

The report by O. Altukhov about nanostructures, nanomaterials and nanocapsules:

The following was the CIT Assistant Professor E. Hrybkov with a report on modern materials employed in bioengineering, as well as requirements for materials used for implants and the methods for their production and testing.

E. Hrybkov`s report about the types and methods of production and testing of materials deployed for implants:

Then the head of the CIT department O. Tarasov reported on the use of CAD / CAE systems for implant design and the features of the design and installation of spine implants.

Report by O. Tarasov on the implant design: