Donbass State Engineering Academy is a participant of the Erasmus + 586114-EPP-1-2017-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP International Project "Innovative Multidisciplinary Curriculum for the Preparation of Bachelor's and Master's in Implant Implants for Bioengineering" (BIOART) in Ukraine, which received funding under the Erasmus + KA2 (Higher Education Capacity Building) program in 2017. BIOART Project Deadline: November 15, 2017 - November 14, 2020
At the start meeting in Madrid (Spain) on February 7-9, 2018, the representatives of the participating universities were greeted by Director of the Telecommunication Institute of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Professor Amador Miguel and project coordinator Professor David Luengo. Representatives of the Technical University of Cracow (Krakow, Poland), Thomas More University College (Sint-Catalin-Weaver, Belgium), University of Continuing Education-Danube University (Kremz, Austria), representatives of four Ukrainian universities (Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Priazov National Technical University, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Donbass State Engineering Academy), three Universities of Israel (Semi Shamon College of Engineering, Bar I University of the Holon Technical University), a representative of the Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology Sitenko (Kharkiv, Ukraine) and the Institute of Continuing Learning (Israel) presented existing training programs and their own scientific developments in the field of modern artificial implants and developed a plan of action for the implementation of project objectives.
From the DSEA in the organizational meeting attended: head of the Computer and information technology department, prof. Aleksandr Tarasov and Associate Professor of Manufacturing processes and automation engineering Oleh Subotin. The meeting discussed the results of work planning at universities in the participating countries under the BIOART Project, including the role of the DSEA and other universities in planning work among Ukrainian partners (Galina Tabunchyk, Zaporozhye, Ukraine). The work packages and project management structures, the individual role of partners, and the method of work and reporting were presented for discussion. Partnership agreements and project design features in partner countries were also discussed (David Luengo, Madrid, Spain).
Aleksandr Tarasov made a presentation and a report about the DSEA and the state of the process of educating students in the specialties related to the Project about the existing curricula in Ukraine on the example of the DSEA. A presentation on the student learning process in Israel (Tom Trigano, SCE) was also presented for discussion. Patrick Pilgrim spoke about the work of a research lab in the field of the project at Thomas More University, Belgium.
In addition, the teachers of the DSEA were acquainted with the technical and methodological achievements of the Polytechnic University, Madrid, in accordance with the objectives of the Project in the field of implant-related issues. Working contacts were also established and a discussion was held on the implementation of hardware and software to be provided by the Erasmus + BIOART international project and the possibilities for their use during the implementation of the DDR 01-017 in the DSEA.

Galina Tabunchik (ZNTU, Zaporozhye, Ukraine)

Representatives of universities participating in the BIOART project

Project Manager David Luengo (Madrid, Spain) - presentation and report on the tasks of the BIOART project

Aleksandr Tarasov - Presentation of the DSEA

Patrick Pilgrim (Thomas More University, Belgium)